In July launched a new site specific to Latino Greeks called with the goal of motivating Latino fraternities and sororities to use their numbers and get out the vote nationwide. With Latinos becoming a larger portion of the electorate (over 50 million in the U.S.), the need to ensure they are registered to vote has increased. The partnership between Voto Latino and Latino Greeks is ideal as Latino Greeks are leaders on campus and within their communities who have advancing Latino community issues at the heart of their foundations.
Lambda Theta Phi is a participating member in registration challenge, and if Lambda is the organization that registers the most voters it can win an appearance by a Latino celebrity at a national event (New Orleans, anyone?). To have your chapter participate, simply visit and read up on the guidelines. This is a simple effort your chapter can do while tabling, eating lunch on campus or at the events you already have planned. Simply bring a laptop or tablet computer and have eligible voters register at the site using the Lambda Theta Phi regsitration page (to make sure we get credit). It’s a simple process and an easy way to promote voting in our communities.
For more information, visit +