First Ever LGBT Ally National Social Event Hosted


Contact: Curtis Porter III

July 17, 2013

NEW ORLEANS, LA – On July 12th during the 2013 New Orleans Brotherhood Conference the Lambda Theta Phi Pride Group, a support group for those brothers who identify themselves within the LGBT community, held its first official event at a national conference. The Friday evening “Be an Ally | Be the Change” happy hour social took place at the Hilton Spirits Bar in the heart of the host hotel. With an overwhelming amount of ally supporters present from Lambda Theta Phi, including Founding Fathers, and Lambda Theta Alpha the night was sure to have an impact.

Lambda Pride members attended this first-of-its-kind national conference event (by any Latino Greek Fraternal Organization) social wearing white V-neck shirts. The color white signified their fraternal connection with Lambda Theta Phi. The V represented the international symbol of gay pride and the gay rights movement, both of what they are striving to do within the organization by supporting brothers who may be struggling with their sexuality, and to educate brothers as a whole. Members’ presence allowed those in attendance to have open dialogue on the different challenges gay men especially those of multicultural backgrounds in fraternal organizations often experience.

The highlight of the evening was when Pride member Curtis Porter III from Tau Chapter read to all in attendance the Lambda Pride Statement of Address that was addressed to the National Executive Board and Brothers. This powerful address made it clear that the mission of Lambda Pride is to work alongside with the National Executive Board on making Lambda Theta Phi a Safe Zone Brotherhood.


Founded December 1, 1975 at Kean University in Union, New Jersey, Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. is the first nationally recognized Greek-letter organization founded as a Latin Fraternity, and the leader of the Latino Greek movement. The membership of Lambda Theta Phi is open to all college men who support its values of scholarship, respect for all cultures, community service, and the advancement and fair treatment of Latinos. Lambda Theta Phi was the first Latin Fraternity to be recognized by the North-American Inter-Fraternity Conference (NIC), a member of the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO), and has over 130 Chapters and Colonies across the United States. More information about Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. can be found at