Are you interested in opening a chapter at your campus?

Become a founding brother

Get Started

    Are you interested in becoming a brother of Lambda Theta Phi but there is no chapter on your campus? Outlined below are the necessary steps that will take you from being part of an interest group to an officially recognized chapter of Lambda Theta Phi.

    The steps are the following:

    1. 1. Contact the National Director of Expansion via the form. Include your name, major, year in school, GPA, and contact information for you and any member(s) also interested in joining the brotherhood.

    2. The National Director of Expansion will work with you to inform the Office of Greek Life (or similar office at your institution) of your desire to establish a chapter and obtain a copy of the institution’s expansion policy and any other pertinent documentation..

    Once approved to pursue a collaborative expansion/recruitment – In order for an interest group to be recognized as active, they must participate in the following activities

    · Anti-Hazing Workshop (by Lambda Theta Phi or local University)

    · Title IX/Sexual Assault Awareness Workshop (by Lambda Theta Phi or local University)

    · 1 Community service event (organized by Brothers of Lambda Theta Phi),

    · 2 Recruitment functions

    Events performed as an interest group are not credited to chapter requirements once they become an associate chapter.

    3. Upon completing the interest group requirements, the group will compile proof of their activities and submit it to their local Sector/Regional Induction Officers, with the assistance of local brothers in leadership. The interested gentlemen’s groups shall formally submit a binder of information applying for Induction.

    The Interest Group binder must be submitted virtually with the professionalism and pride that went into accomplishing the requirements. The local brothers will assist you in creating this group binder for submission..

    4. After reviewing and confirming the interest group requirements have been satisfied, the National Director of Expansion and local leadership will contact the institution and inform the proper administrators the interest group is ready to begin the fraternity’s induction process.

    5. Once the National Board receives the necessary approval from the institution, the group must provide official transcripts and induction fees to the local leadership. Please note in order to participate in the induction process, the interested student must be enrolled full-time and possess the minimum GPA required for participation in Greek membership by the University or Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. (whichever provides the most accessibility).

    6. Upon successfully completing the induction process, the new brothers will be permitted to operate on the campus as an associate chapter of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.

    7. Upon completing the requirements as an associate chapter, the brothers will be assigned a Greek letter designation as an official chapter of Lambda Theta Phi.


    Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. is committed to respect and defend the interests and aspirations of every brother to assist in their individual success and to achieve social justice for all Latinos.


    Our Mission is to provide leadership development opportunities to our brothers to help secure the future of our Fraternity and community; to promote and empower our brothers and Fraternity to achieve our goals; and to raise the social and cultural conscience of the Latino college student and community.



    Our Vision is to be the acknowledged leader and premier Latino fraternity in the United States, while building upon our strong foundation and history of over 45 years.